Privacy Policy

In compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27 2016, this Privacy Policy establishes the terms of use and protection of the information that is provided by clients or interested parties. The Company is committed to the security of personal data. When we ask you for personal information with which you can be identified, we do so by ensuring that it will only be used in accordance with the terms of this document.

We are committed to keeping your information secure. We use systems and update them to ensure that there is no unauthorized access.

We inform you that the person responsible for the processing of your data is OLINOVA, hereinafter THE COMPANY.


NIF: PT 517095947

Its registered office is at: Avenida Engenheiro Duarte Pacheco – Tower 2, 6th floor, Room 12, 1070-102 – Lisbon – Portugal

Registered in the Online Registry Dos Actos Dos Advogados, with No. 46952LE/53. and R. C. R. C. LISBOA sob or AP no. 125/20221007.

You can contact us by any of the following ways:

Telephone: +351 962 250 919


The information we collect is necessary to establish contractual relationships and/or offer you information regarding activities, products or services related to THE COMPANY.

We inform you that the personal data that the client or interested party provides, as well as that provided in the future within the framework of their relationship with this COMPANY, refer to:

Purpose: contractual relations
Information of the following types of personal data may be collected:
Identification and contact information
The information required for the prevention of money laundering, including bank and economic data.
The information required by the stock market regulation for the evaluation of your investment objectives, knowledge and experience.
The information derived from transactions in financial instruments or investment services in which THE COMPANY has participated.
Identification codes or keys for access and operation within the COMPANY’s systems.

Data derived from the operation carried out.

Purpose: commercial activity and other communications

The personal data collected is the identification and contact information necessary to send the information. For example, by way of enunciative and not limitative: name, surname, postal address, telephone number or email, depending on the indications on the reception preferences of the interested party and available shipping alternatives.

Communications regarding activities, products or services may be made by any means, including electronic means. The interested party must authorize the sending of commercial communications explicitly, by marking the corresponding boxes, in any of the data request forms, for example, those included on our website.

The personal data provided will be kept as long as they are necessary to respond to the contractual relationship, to respond to petitions or requests made, and in any case,as long as the deletion is not requested by the interested party, as well as the time necessary to comply with the legal obligations that correspond in each case according to each type of data. The interested party may exercise their rights at any time as well as make a request regarding them.

Based on the obligation derived from the Law for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing, THE COMPANY will keep personal data for a period of 10 years from the termination of the business relationship.


The possible recipients to whom THE COMPANY may deliver personal data are:
Public and private organizations and institutions to which there is a legal obligation to third-party service providers with whom a contract for managers
We will not transfer your personal data to any third party company that intends to use it in its direct marketing actions, or similar activities.

Anyone has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether THE COMPANY is processing personal data that concerns them or not. In relation to the data obtained and depending on its availability and exceptions where limited by applicable law, you are granted the following rights:

Right of access: the right to be informed and to request access to the personal data about you that we process.
Right of rectification: the right to request that we correct or update your personal data, when it is inaccurate or incomplete.
Right to deletion: the right to request that your personal data be deleted.
Right to restriction of processing: the right to request that the processing of all or some of your personal data be temporarily or permanently stopped.
Right to data portability: the right to request a copy of your personal data in electronic format and the right to transmit such data for use in a third party service.
Right of opposition: right to oppose the person responsible for processing personal data in the following cases: the data is processed based on a mission of public interest or legitimate interest, including profiling or processing is intended for direct marketing, also including the aforementioned profiling.
Right not to be subject to automated decision-making: the right not to be subject to decisions that are based solely on automated decision-making, including profiling, where the decision may have a legal effect on you or produce a similar important effect.

The interested party may exercise said rights by sending an email to, duly identifying themselves by sending a photocopy of their ID and clearly indicating the right they wish to exercise. You can also make the request by postal mail to the address indicated above.

Finally, we inform the interested parties that they can file a claim related to the processing of their personal data before the Control Authority (


In some cases, THE COMPANY may have to make use of the services of third parties established outside of Spain. If this case occurs, THE COMPANY ensures that the data will be sent to countries with an equivalent level of data protection to that of the European Union or, if this is not the case, it will use the mechanisms provided in current legislation to have the consent of the client or with the authorization for the transfer of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.


We do not accept minors to register in our systems. The consent of the parents or guardians is required so that minors can be provided with the services offered by THE COMPANY.


THE COMPANY has adopted the necessary technical measures to avoid the alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access to the personal data that the user has provided. However, and in the event of any improper access to the data that could imply serious negative consequences for the interested parties, THE COMPANY will conveniently inform the interested parties within a reasonable period of time so that they can adopt the measures they deem appropriate, and if necessary, the Spanish Data Protection Agency will be notified.